Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crushing On Your Best-Guy-Friend A Single Girl's Common Reality

Many a time a single gal ends up crushing on her best-guy-friend. It makes complete sense, we're completely comfortable with our best-guy-friends! They make us laugh, help us on those nights when we have one too many glasses of wine, and always tell us that we're "too good for (insert name here)."

They're part of our support system.

Inevitably, the lines often get crossed between friends and more-than-friends and when they do things get... well, bad.

One of my most embarrassing stories about a crush has to do with my once best-guy-friend.

I have always been good at reading people and figuring out when someone liked me or when a friend liked someone, I mean, it's usually pretty obvious, but, not this time. I was a senior in high school, my best guy friend was sending all the signs telling me that he wanted to be more than just friends. I was not the only one who thought this, my other friends all told me the same thing plus, my gut was certain. I gained the courage one night right before the homecoming dance (hoping for a homecoming date) to tell him how I felt.

Problem 1: I was about to tell him I liked him through text

The topic came up naturally but here is the interesting part of the text conversation;

Me: "I like you."
Best Guy Friend: "Oh my god. I had no idea you meant you liked me. You're amazing and my best friend, but, who would I go to for all of my advice?"

My heart sunk. At that point not only did I get turned down but also lost my best-guy-friend. We still remained friendly but we were never as close as we were before I made the mistake of telling him that I liked him.

Since my dreadful encounter in my senior year of high school, I have had numerous crushes on my close guy friends but learned my lesson, I'll wait for him to make the first move before I say anything. As of now, it's good that I never spilled my guts again because all of my crushes have fizzled into nothing and are not worth loosing my guy friends over.

Although, from one single girl to another, my dream is to marry my best guy friend. Not necessarily one I know now, but one I have yet to meet.

I mean, isn't it everyone's dream to marry their best friend?


  1. haha I did the exact same thing in 8th grade. I sent him an e-mail on Valentine's Day & it did not end well. p.s. I think I'm going to love your blog because it also describes me to a T!

  2. haha! Thank you! And I have so many other embarrassing stories. Get excited :)


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